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Resonance-like tunneling across a barrier with adjacent wells

Publication Type : Conference Paper, Journal Article

Publisher : Pramana - Journal of Physics

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Sciences

Year : 2006

Abstract : pWe examine the behavior of transmission coefficient T across the rectangular barrier when attractive potential well is present on one or both sides and also the same is studied for a smoother barrier with smooth adjacent wells having Woods-Saxon shape. We find that presence of well with suitable width and depth can substantially alter T at energies below the barrier height leading to resonant-like structures. In a sense, this work is complementary to the resonant tunneling of particles across two rectangular barriers, which is being studied in detail in recent years with possible applications in mind. We interpret our results as due to resonant-like positive energy states generated by the adjacent wells. We describe in detail the possible potential application of these results in electronic devices using n-type oxygen-doped gallium arsenide and silicon dioxide. It is envisaged that these results will have applications in the design of tunneling devices. © Indian Academy of Sciences./p

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