Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Verified : Yes
Year : 2015
Abstract : Technology has grown so much that interactions can happen even between computers and humans. The study related to this filed is called as HCI (Human Computer Interaction). It is more of an inter-disciplinary domain consisting of Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Machine learning, Networking, Computer Graphics combined to build an effective computing system analysing the behaviour of humans as well as the computer technologies. HCI has simplified the human interaction with computers in the past, present and will always evolve till the end of time. Although the term HCI is in use since 1980’s, this field has come into limelight only after 1990’s. HCI deals with the design aspects of an entity which can be software or a product. It neither focuses on humans nor on the computers, but it certainly focuses on bridging the gap between the humans and computers. The main aim should be to develop a user friendly system rather than being confound. © Research India Publications.