Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : Internet has become an integral part of our daily life. Since 1830 people has been communicating with one another. Voice communication, the first form of communication, started in 1840's through wires. Around 1910's communication through air, wireless telephony came into existence, from which the pre-cellular communication came into use. Then onwards, every decade saw an evolution in wireless technology. With every new generation of network, consumer is looking forward for better Quality of Service and higher technology. This article is a comparison between the various generations of wireless network. It is essential for any human to have some basic knowledge about the technology he is using. In spite of many articles available this would help you better to know in detail about the various technologies behind our day-to-day communications. The advantages over the previous generations, the services offered, and the speed of connectivity are made clear in this article. The field of wireless communication is an ever expanding and always flourishing field. Research and development will always be looking forward for better generation with much advanced technology to provide better quality of service and also increase efficiency. So this article would also help you to understand the basics and the current situation and also develop an interest in the ever expanding field. © Research India Publications.