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An overview on the pharmacological activities of Urena Lobata

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Source : IIP Proceedings (In press) 2024

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Verified : No

Year : 2024

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : Malavika G., Shara Raj, Hari Prasad P.M., Zeena S. Pillai " An overview on the pharmacological activities of Urena Lobata",  Chapter ID *"E16S06G47-27SP11​"* submitted to IIP Book Series *"IIPV3EBS06_G47 Futuristic Trends in Chemical Material Sciences & Nano Technology​"* under Volume 3, 2023, IIP Proceedings (In press) 2024

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