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Android Application for School Bus Tracking System

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Wiley Online Library

Source : Intelligent Green Technologies for Sustainable Smart Cities, 331-340, 2022. DOI:

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Computing

Year : 2022

Abstract : Android is becoming very popular and reason for Android platform it requires an open source development, which is probably the most feasible and a user-friendly approach. This represents an approach using android SDK to develop application for intelligent mobile devices mainly GPS. This application uses the GPS function, available in most of smartphones today, to pinpoint current location accurately. The bus location will update the location of a bus on server frequently. The coordinates of location will be sent to the server, and the server will send current location of bus to student, which will provide additional services through notification if the bus reaches near to the student location. This system presents an adaptive location information sharing system that allows for a user to know the exact location of a vehicle. So the passenger does not need to wait long to catch the vehicle. In this system, the vehicle GPS location is updated to the web server. The web service receives the location information of a vehicle continuously. That information is updated in the database. While the vehicle location is near to the passenger location, the system sends a notification alert to the passenger mobile.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Sriram, "Android Application for School Bus Tracking System," Intelligent Green Technologies for Sustainable Smart Cities, 331-340, 2022. DOI:

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