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Enabling Internet of things (IoT) security via blockchain framework

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Source : Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of 7th ICICSE (2020): 575-582.

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Campus : Amritapuri

Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)

Year : 2020

Abstract : In today’s world of technological advancements, technologies such as data science, big data and IoT play a huge role in simplifying human life. Access control is a major concern for any data source. Legitimate access to confidential data is important to ensure privacy, integrity, authenticity and confidentiality. It is further very important to devise access control in situations where data is critically private, such as in the case of health care. Access control policies stored in a centralized storage are prone to security breaches due to single point of failure. Blockchain is a decentralized storage system which is based on peer-to-peer network architecture. It is immutable and helps in recording transactions between two parties in a permanent and verifiable manner. The project concentrates on storing the access control policies of a healthcare data source and the transactions that follows in a blockchain. The results of storage of policies and transactions are shown in Remix IDE using Ethereum blockchain framework.

Cite this Research Publication : Urmila, M. S., Balaji Hariharan, and Rekha Prabha. "Enabling Internet of things (IoT) security via blockchain framework." Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of 7th ICICSE (2020): 575-582

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