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Block Chain Based Secure Fanet System Networks

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Research Square, 19 Apr 2023,

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Computing

Year : 2023

Abstract : Ad-hoc networks have lots of challenges than traditional networks. It has challenges like infrastuctureless and self organizing networks. They don’t have any fixed infrastructure. In Fanets there will be no centralized authority to manage the network. Nodes have to rely on other nodes to keep the network connected. As the ad-hoc network is dynamic and every transmission in these networks become vulnerable to many number of attacks and security becomes a major issue. Recent advancements in drone technology are opening new opportunities and applications in various fields of life especially in the form of small drones. However, these advancements are also causing new challenges in terms of security, adaptability, and consistency. This research discusses the drone technology, area of usages, citizen multi-objective uses, drones’ security, protection, and secrecy apprehensions, drone current intimidations and susceptibilities, existing approaches for drone cyber-security methods, security threats to drones and data sources for current literature review. Small drones are proving to be a new opportunity for the civil and military industries. The small drones are suffering from architectural issues and the definition of security and safety issues. The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) opens new dimensions for drone technology but posing new threats as well. The tiny flying intelligent devices are challenging for the security and privacy of data. The design of these small drones is yet not matured to fulfil the domain requirements. The basic design issues also need security mechanisms, privacy mechanisms and data transformations.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Sriram, G. Rajeshkumar, K. Satheshkumar, K. Nishadevi, "Block Chain Based Secure Fanet System Networks," Research Square, 19 Apr 2023,

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