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Zero-Dimensional Carbon Nanomaterials

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Elsevier, 2023 

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Verified : No

Year : 2019

Abstract : Zero-Dimensional Carbon Nanomaterials: Material Design Methods, Properties and Applications covers advances in carbon dots, graphene quantum dots, carbon quantum dots, fullerenes and their applications. This book explores important aspects of preparing these materials for specific applications and includes an overview of the most relevant synthesis methods, with special emphasis on newer green methods and material synthesis from biomass sources. Thorough discussion of the materials key properties, including unique optical and electronic properties to enable them for a wide range of applications is included, along with applications in the fields of photovoltaic cells, catalysis, sensors, biomedical, nano devices and energy storage.

Cite this Research Publication : Zero-dimensional carbon nanomaterials,  Kuruvilla ,Gejo George, Runcy Wilson and Saritha Appukuttan, Elsevier, 2023 

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