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A prospective observational study on Anthropometric correlation with severity of chronic venous disease in the Indian population

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : J Indian Med Assoc

Source : J Indian Med Assoc 2023; 121(10): 48-51 . IMA. (n.d.).

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : General Surgery

Year : 2023

Abstract : Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) is an advanced form of the disease denoting the long term morphological and functional abnormalities of the venous system producing edema, skin changes or ulceration. The prevalence of the disease varies with BMI between males and females and has a geographical variation. Literature from western countries show increased prevalence in obese and elderly females. Studies related to the prevalence of CVI and its associated risk factors in the Indian population are very few. This study aims to determine the correlation of anthropometry with the severity of CVD in Indian population. We also aim to study the variation in the epidemiological trend, severity, age of presentation of CVD in the Indian population in relation to their body physique

Cite this Research Publication : Suyambu Raja, Anoop V, Anjaly Nair , Riju R. A prospective observational study on Anthropometric correlation with severity of chronic venous disease in the Indian population. J Indian Med Assoc 2023; 121(10): 48-51 . IMA. (n.d.).

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