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Electrical Conductivity Measurement of Dielectric Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : IEEE

Source : IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC)

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2024

Abstract : The design and fabrication of a new experimental setup for measuring the electrical conductivity of electrical insulation materials at 77 K is reported. The design followed the ASTM D257. The apparatus was validated by comparing the measured data at room temperature with that of a commercial conductivity cell. The setup is useful for measurements in liquid nitrogen and gaseous helium environments, typical for superconducting devices. It was observed that the electrical conductivity of the insulating material is significantly lower at 77 K compared to the room temperature values. The measurement medium did not affect the electrical conductivity except for the PPLP samples impregnated with liquid nitrogen. The established setup is useful for generating fundamental data necessary to analyze the DC electric field of superconducting power devices operating at cryogenic temperatures on electric ships, electric aircraft, and in nuclear fusion power plants.

Cite this Research Publication : A. K. Das, N. Guvvala, S. Pamidi and P. Cheetham, "Electrical Conductivity Measurement of Dielectric Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures," 2024 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2024.

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