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Recent Development in Condition Monitoring Methodologies of MOSA Employing Leakage Current Signal: A Review

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : IEEE Sensors Journal

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2021

Abstract : With the rapid development of electric power grid, the application of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester in electrical power system network has been enhanced. MOSA has been used as protective device in electrical power system network. MOSA provides a basis of insulation coordination in EPS network. Premature failure of MOSA can affect the reliability of EPS network. Therefore, condition monitoring of MOSA on regular basis can enhance the reliability of EPS network. Currently various techniques are available of condition monitoring of MOSA. Out of them, leakage current signal-based monitoring is most popular and convenient way of MOSA monitoring as leakage current signal of MOSA can be acquired easily and it can give information of MOSA condition effectively. Therefore, most of the recent researches in the area of condition monitoring of MOSA are based on leakage current signal especially resistive leakage current analysis. This article presents a comprehensive review of leakage current signal employed methodologies used for condition monitoring of MOSA. The broad perspective of the review article is to provide various concepts used to extract resistive leakage current and find out suitable indicators, which are sensitive to MOSA condition. Advantages, limitations and challenges faced in the proposed methodologies are reported, which can be very useful for future research development in this field.

Cite this Research Publication : A. K. Das and S. Dalai, “Recent Development in Condition Monitoring Methodologies of MOSA Employing Leakage Current Signal: A Review,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 13, pp. 14559-14568, 2021.

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