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Modulation by peripheral conditioning stimuli of the responses of trigeminal brain stem neurones and of the jaw opening reflex to tooth pulp stimulation in chronically prepared, anaesthetized cats

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Experimental Physiology

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Dentistry

Year : 1992

Abstract : The effects of peripheral conditioning stimuli on the thresholds of the jaw opening reflex (JOR) and of trigeminal brain stem neurones to tooth pulp stimulation were examined in chronically prepared, anaesthetized cats. High intensity electrical conditioning stimuli applied to the ipsilateral forepaw produced an increase in the thresholds of both responses, with the JOR thresholds being elevated significantly more, and remaining elevated for significantly longer, than those of the neurones. These findings suggest that the elevation of the JOR cannot be explained just by inhibitory effects on the brain stem neurones.

Cite this Research Publication : Banks D., Kuriakose M., Matthews B. Modulation by peripheral conditioning stimuli of the responses of trigeminal brain-stem neurones and of the jaw reflex to tooth-pulp stimulation in chronically prepared, anaesthetized cats. Exp. Physiol. 77: 343-349; 1992.

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