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CFD case studies on the acoustic performance and backpressure changes on modified reactive muffler

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : American Institute of Physics Conference Series

Source : American Institute of Physics Conference Series,vol. 2283, no. 1.

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2020

Abstract : Nowadays the automobile industry is largely driven by designs that complies with the laws and regulations governed by environment concerns. For instance, to counter noise pollution designer came up with the idea of muffler that considerably reduces the noise produced by the engine. An effort has been made to try and compare different models of a reactive muffler through case studies after cumulatively incorporating various changes that are generally considered beneficial. This paper compares the stock muffler with new designs by considering transmission loss as the deciding factor since it is a property of the geometry alone. The more the transmission loss the better the muffler is at attenuating the noise generated by the engine. However, another important factor that should be considered when designing a muffler is the Backpressure it creates on the engine as backpressure negatively impacts its performance. The design with the highest transmission loss along with a controlled backpressure is declared as the most effective design.

Cite this Research Publication : Narasimhan, S. V., Mahesh, S., Sivan, M., and Nair, S. S., (2020) CFD case studies on the acoustic performance and backpressure changes on modified reactive muffler, American Institute of Physics Conference Series,vol. 2283, no. 1

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