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Physical Properties of SBN-NBR-Boron Carbide Composites

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

Source : Physical Properties of SBN-NBR-Boron Carbide Composites, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : In this paper the effect of boron carbide on properties of SBR/NBR blends were studied. For four different compositions of boron carbide, samples were prepared. For comparison, SBR and SBR/NBR samples without filler were prepared. All samples were tested according to ASTM standards. Cure, tensile, tear, abrasion and rebound properties were determined and compared. Cure rate behaviour showed a mixed trend. Excellent enhancement in tensile and tear properties were obtained. A positive shift in rebound properties was obtained. Hardness and abrasion resistance were followed an increasing and decreasing trend respectively with the addition of filler. Boron carbide filled SBR blends can replace pure SBR samples in many applications.

Cite this Research Publication : N.S Rohan, N Rahulan, S.Bharadwaj, A.Darshan Reddy, T.S.S.B Rahul (2021). Physical Properties of SBN-NBR-Boron Carbide Composites, accepted in AIP Conference Proceedings

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