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Superior fretting wear resistance of 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr refractory high entropy alloy in a comparison with Ti6Al4V

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Materials Letters

Source : Materials Letters, 339(134105), 134105

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2023

Abstract : A newly developed single BCC phase 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr refractory high entropy alloy (RHEA) has been designed for low density, high mechanical properties, and superior fretting wear resistance. In this study, we focus on the study of the fretting wear resistance in a comparison with Ti6Al4V alloy. The 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr demonstrated the better fretting wear resistance with low friction coefficient and wear loss. The phase constituent, crystal structure and mutual interaction of complex composition in 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr contribute to improving the fretting wear resistance. The superior fretting wear resistance increases candidacy potential of the 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr RHEA for structural applications, especially under fretting conditions.

Cite this Research Publication : Thirathipviwat, P., Onuki, Y., Vishnu, J., Kesavan, P., Raheem, A., Manivasagam, G., Shankar, K., V., Hasegawa, M., & Sato, S. (2023a). Superior fretting wear resistance of 30Nb5Ta30Ti15V20Zr refractory high entropy alloy in a comparison with Ti6Al4V. Materials Letters, 339(134105), 134105. I F : 3 , Q1)

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