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The clinical profile of patients presenting with altered sensorium in emergency room

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : International Journal of Science and Research ISSN:2319-7064 Research Gate Impact Factor (2018):0.28/SJIF (2018):7.426

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Emergency Medicine

Year : 2018

Abstract : Background and methods: Altered mental status is a common reason for neurologic consultation.Although it is often due to a systemic infection or metabolic derangement, a host of other etiologies can lead to irreversible brain injury if they are not promptly identified and treated. Prospective observational study was performed on 200 patients presenting with altered sensorium in emergency room in Amrita Institute Medical Sciences, Kochi. Objective: To study the clinical profile of patients presenting with altered sensorium in emergency room. Result: Out of 200 patients, 69% were males and 31% were females. Majority of them were in the age group of 61- 80 years. Data analysis shows that the common cause of altered sensorium was electrolyte abnormality, out of them hyponatremia was common. Conclusion: The primary cause noted in the study was electrolyte abnormality with 60% and secondary cause was head injury with 30% of patients. Hyponatremia was the most common electrolyte abnormality with 120 patients.

Cite this Research Publication : Ayana Harikumar,Dr.Sreekrishnan.T.P, "The clinical profile of patients presenting with altered sensorium in emergency room", International Journal of Science and Research ISSN:2319-7064 Research Gate Impact Factor (2018):0.28/SJIF (2018):7.426

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