Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : IEEE
Source : IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering
Department : Aerospace
Year : 2020
Abstract : The plants of nano air vehicles (NAVs) are generally unstable, adversely coupled, and uncertain. Besides, the autopilot hardware of a NAV has limited sensing and computational capabilities. Hence, these vehicles need a single controller referred to as robust simultaneously stabilizing decoupling (RSSD) output feedback controller that achieves simultaneous stabilization (SS), desired decoupling, robustness, and performance for a finite set of unstable multi-input–multioutput adversely coupled uncertain plants. To synthesize an RSSD output feedback controller, a new method that is based on a central plant is proposed in this article. Given a finite set of plants for SS, we considered a plant in this set that has the smallest maximum v− gap metric as the central plant. Following this, the sufficient condition for the existence of a simultaneous stabilizing controller associated with such a plant is described. The decoupling feature is then appended to this controller using the properties of the eigenstructure assignment method. Afterward, the sufficient conditions for the existence of an RSSD output feedback controller are obtained. Using these sufficient conditions, a new optimization problem for the synthesis of an RSSD output feedback controller is formulated. To solve this optimization problem, a new genetic algorithm-based offline iterative algorithm is developed. The effectiveness of this iterative algorithm is then demonstrated by generating an RSSD controller for a fixed-wing NAV. The performance of this controller is validated through numerical and hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
Cite this Research Publication : V. Pushpangathan, K. Harikumar, S. Sundaram, and N. Sundararajan, “Robust Simultaneously Stabilizing Decoupling Output Feedback Controllers for Unstable Adversely Coupled Nano Air Vehicles," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Syst., Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 1003-1013, Aug. 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3012507, impact factor 11.309