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Tweet2Vec model to detect misinformation about the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems (ICEARS)

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract : This paper provides a method to find out misinformation pertaining to topics such as the COVID-19 pandemic via an altered version of the tweet2vec model. In this version of the model, tweets with reliable and false news on the pandemic are converted into vectors based on the CBOW (Common Bag of Words) model and plotted graphically. After this, a K-Means clustering algorithm is used to determine a threshold value for the vector form to determine if the tweet has credible information or not.

Cite this Research Publication : Saha, S., Jayan, S., Subramani, R., Tweet2Vec model to detect misinformation about the COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems, ICEARS 2022, pp. 1624–1630.

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