Publication Type : Conference Paper
Source : Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2023
Abstract : The two configurations of single-phase bidirectional battery chargers for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems are thoroughly analysed and compared in this research paper. A single-phase bidirectional AC-DC converter and a bidirectional Buck-Boost converter are featured in the first model, while a dual active bridge converter (DAB) and a single-phase bidirectional AC-DC converter are featured in the second model. This study's goal is to assess these models' performance. To maximise power transfer effectiveness, several current control methods for both models were investigated and contrasted.
Cite this Research Publication : Pillai, V.V., Sindhu, M.R. , “Comparison of Single-phase Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for V2G Applications”, Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, i-PACT 2023, 2023