Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : IEEE
Source : 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES)
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Computing
Year : 2019
Abstract : The learning style can be referred to as the way a student prefers to acquire, process and retain information. The prominent learning style classification model is the VAK model. [1] According to this model visual, kinesthetic and auditory are the three major kinds of learning styles. Many research have shown that people prefer more than one way of learning, hence categorizing a person to just one of the above types as done in traditional methods is not accurate.[7] A method to identify our learning styles more accurately is required. Machine learning can be applied in this field to achieve our aim in the most efficient way. Once we have an accurate information about learning styles, we can use it to suggest career options. This research aims to predict the learning style combinations of students and suggest field of study using algorithms like k-means, SVM and decision tree.
Cite this Research Publication : Ananthu S Kuttattu ,Gokul G S , Hari Prasad , Jijith Murali , Lekshmi S Nair, ”Analysing the learning style of an individual and suggesting field of study using Machine Learning techniques, Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems,2019, volume 10- page 32-36.