Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Source : International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 3, pp. 137-141, 2011.
Keywords : adolescent, adult, age distribution, aged, article, autoimmune disease, autotransplantation, child, clinical assessment, clinical feature, corticosteroid, cross-sectional study, disease association, drug pulse therapy, face, family history, female, human, infant, injury, Leg, major clinical study, male, observational study, onset age, outpatient, phototherapy, preschool child, prevalence, prospective study, psoralen, risk factor, school child, side effect, steroid therapy, stomach irritation, sunscreen, tacrolimus, teaching hospital, tertiary health care, thyroid disease, ultraviolet B radiation, vitiligo, weight gain
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Pharmacy
Department : Pharmacy Practice
Year : 2011
Abstract : pThe objective of the present study was to assess the prevalence, precipitating factors, clinical features and management pattern of vitiligo patients. An observational, cross sectional descriptive study was carried out for a period of five months from a study population of 6250 outpatients who visited the dermatology department of a tertiary care hospital. The prescriptions of the individual patients were collected to assess the therapeutic management pattern. Prevalence of vitiligo was found to be 1.3%. The mean age at onset of the disease was 29.6 ± 20.6 years. 18.8% of the patients had a family history of vitiligo. Lower limbs (42.5%) followed by face (27.5%) were the most affected parts. Major precipitating factor was found to be physical trauma (18.8%). Thyroid disorder was the most common autoimmune disorder observed (21.3%). Vitiligo vulgaris was the common clinical type (53.7%) followed by focal vitiligo (18.8%), acrofacial vitiligo (13.8%), segmental vitiligo, etc. Topical tacrolimus (68.8%), topical corticosteroids (53.7%), and topical psoralen (48.8%) were the first line treatments used in the study center. Systemic steroid pulse therapy was used in progressive vitiligo patients and the noted adverse effects of the treatments were gastric irritation (11.3%) and weight gain(7.5%). Autologous melanocyte transplantation(5%), epidermal suction blister grafting (2.5%) and narrow band ultra viloet B phototherapy (27.5%) were other treatment modalities used. Similar studies covering large number of patients are needed to confirm our findings./p
Cite this Research Publication : Remya Reghu and Emmanuel James, “Epidemiological profile and treatment pattern of vitiligo in a tertiary care teaching hospital”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 3, pp. 137-141, 2011.