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Surgical Complications and Urological Intervention in Patients with Placenta Accreta Spectrum

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Scientific Research

Source : International Journal of Scientific Research, vol-12, issue-04, April 2023.

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Keywords : placenta percreta, placenta increta, placenta accreta, bladder injury, ureteric injury, caesarean hysterectomy

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Urology

Year : 2023

Abstract : Objective: To evaluate urological interventions in patients with Placenta accreta spectrum in our collaborative experience at a tertiary centre. Patients and Methods: Retrospective analysis of a prospectively collected data set, consisting of all women who presented with Placenta accreta spectrum at Amrita Hospital from August 2010 and July 2020. Patients who underwent urological intervention were identified and perioperative details were retrieved. Between August 2010 and July 2020, 24 women presented with Placenta accreta spectrum and 16 (66.6%) patientsResults: required urological interventions. The median maternal age was 35 years. Of the 16 patients, 11 were managed electively and 5 required emergency Caesarean delivery + hysterectomy. Antenatal imaging suggested placental invasion through the bladder wall on MRI in 5 cases (31.2%). Of the five cases with undiagnosed Placenta accreta spectrum, three were noted to have bladder involvement requiring repair at the time of Caesarean hysterectomy. Patients with Placenta accreta spectrum frequently require urological intervention to prevent or repair injury to theConclusion: urinary tract. Antenatally diagnosed cases were managed in a multidisciplinary fashion involving a team of specialties including obstetrics, gynaecology, anaesthesiology, haematology, urology, interventional radiology.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. N. Mallikarjunarao Medam, Dr. Kannan R. Nair, Dr. Georgie Mathew, Dr. Rohan Rajendran, Dr. Achuth Ajith Kumar, Dr. Radhamany K., "Surgical Complications and Urological Intervention in Patients with Placenta Accreta Spectrum," International Journal of Scientific Research, vol-12, issue-04, April 2023.

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