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Experience with surgical correction of double outlet both ventricles

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Source : Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Volume 39, pages 497–500, (2023)

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : C. V. T. S

Year : 2023

Abstract : Double outlet both ventricles is a rare abnormal ventriculo-arterial malformation in which both great arterial trunks are committed to both the ventricles, albeit now being recognized with increasing frequency. Patients with the lesion present with a spectrum of clinical manifestations. The size and location of the interventricular communication dictate the feasibility of biventricular repair. Literature on the malformation, however, is sparse. We report our experience with five patients, all of whom underwent successful surgical biventricular repair.

Cite this Research Publication : Ashish Katewa, Maruti Haranal, Ashish Narayan Madkaiker, Shivang Saxena, Balaji Srimurugan, Ruchit Patel, Sivakumar Sivalingam & Robert Henry Anderson, "Experience with surgical correction of double outlet both ventricles," Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Volume 39, pages 497–500, (2023)

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