Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Source : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications, Volume 10, Number 55, p.2024-2028 (2015)
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : Phishing is an attempt by fraudulent to acquire sensitive information such as log in credentials, credit card details and so on. Now a days all businesses depends on online services for fast and easy transactions. Though online business is an advantage for all business organizations, it affects their security. It also paid the way to hike in phishing attacks. By using several simple techniques phishers can easily steal sensitive information for their benefits. Financial organizations adopt one time password tokens to counter password phishing attacks. This alone is not sufficient for better security. To counter the security of one time password tokens phishers now uses a simpler technology Man-in-the-Middle phishing attack. This paper focus on the security against Man-in-the-Middle attacks with the help of a pair based authentication in order to ensure that the user is communicating with the real server instead of a proxy and a PKI encrypted token which helps the server to verify that the secret pass obtained from One Time Password is sent by the same user who provides the initial authentication. © Research India Publications.
Cite this Research Publication : D. P. Correya, Gopinath, D., and N.S. Nair, “Prevention of man-in-the-middle phishing attack using pair based authentication”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 10, pp. 2024-2028, 2015.