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Design and Analysis of a Self-Balancing Bicycle Model

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Source : International Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Sciences, ICIMS’21, 19-20th Feb 2021, at Adi Shankara Institute of Engg and Technology

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : This paper discusses the design and analysis of a self-balancing bicycle model. The objective was to develop an efficient design that can be fabricated in the future. The different methods of balancing a bicycle were studied to develop an optimal design. Solidworks 17 and Ansys 18 have been used for modeling, simulation, and analysis of the structure. The use of a Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) to balance the bicycle model was studied and the results show that the effect of precession increases with an increase in rpm and the weight of the flywheel. Thus, a bicycle model actuated with CMG is far more stable and less prone to accidental tilts and toppling than one without. The studied data can be used for future research.

Cite this Research Publication : Nitheesh Kumar G, Navneeth S, Suraj A, Pramod Sreedharan “Design and Analysis of a Self-Balancing Bicycle Model”, International Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Sciences, ICIMS’21, 19-20th Feb 2021, at Adi Shankara Institute of Engg and Technology

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