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Life Prediction of Underwater Electroacoustic Sensor Using Data-Driven Approach

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Source : 2022, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1673 CCIS, pp. 465-475

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract : Underwater electroacoustic sensors used for marine application and underwater pipeline inspection degrade over time due to water ingress through the water-proof polymer encapsulation. The degradation of the sensor can be assessed by measuring the insulation resistance due to the leakage resistance added by polymer over a long time. An experimental study is conducted on a sensor dipped in a sea water bath, measuring insulation resistance in regular intervals of time. The data is analysed using a deep learning algorithm for predicting the end-of-life of the sensor. A type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) called Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is employed to study the degradation pattern of the sensor, as LSTM-RNN can efficiently learn the long-term dependence of degradation data. The actual end of life of the sensor measured experimentally is compared with that obtained using LSTM-RNN for verification of the model. Main advantage of this study is, this methodology does not require disassembly of sensor from the system to make decisions on maintenance or replacement.

Cite this Research Publication : Ramachandran, V.P., Pranavam, V.P., Sreedharan, P., “Life Prediction of Underwater Electroacoustic Sensor Using Data-Driven Approach”, 2022, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1673 CCIS, pp. 465-475

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