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Elizabeth Neuville

Elizabeth Neuville serves dual roles as Executive Director of the Keystone Institute and Director of Keystone Institute India. She has over 30 years of experience as a human service worker, administrator, agency director, evaluator, educator, and personal advocate, as well as extensive experience in designing and developing supports for people with disability, meaningful quality measurements, and extraordinary employee development programs.

Elizabeth began working with people with disabilities in 1986 and joined Keystone Human Services (KHS) in 1988 to help individuals transition from institutions to community living in Pennsylvania. As Executive Director of KHS in Lancaster, PA, she designed support for those with developmental disabilities and mental disorders, aiding hundreds in integrating into their communities and closing large institutions. She is a senior trainer in Social Role Valorization (SRV) and has provided international training and consultation. Since 1992, she has used Person-Directed Planning techniques and combined them with SRV to enhance their effectiveness. Betsy also teaches various related topics and leads the Keystone Institute in developing meaningful workshops. She splits her time between India and the US.

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