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Some Unicyclic Graphs, Bistar Graph and their Super Domination Number

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications

Source : Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications 71.3 (2022): 1225-1230. 

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2022

Abstract : Consider simple connected undirected graph having as the vertex set and as the edge set. A set is called the super dominating set of if , where . The least cardinality of the super dominating sets in G is the super domination number, . Some graphs were selected and analysed to obtain the super domination number.

Cite this Research Publication : Silpa, S., Anjana T. S., Silpa Sreekumar, and P. Manjusha. "Some Unicyclic Graphs, Bistar Graph and their Super Domination Number." Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications 71.3 (2022): 1225-1230. 

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