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Polymer thin film coating on Biomaterial

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 2, Part 1, 2018, Pages 3418-3424, ISSN 2214-7853,

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2018

Abstract : Chitosanis one of the most abundant and biodegradable polymer. Chitosan is anamino groups in the polymeric chainsolubility, reactivity, biodegradability and adsorption of many substrates, therefore on the composition of partially or fullydeacetylated D-glucosamine units.Chitosan is naturally occurring biopolymer with low mechanical properties. It is used as food packing material and various biomedical applications.Poly (methyl methacrylate) is polymer with high mechanical properties. In this work, chitosan film is coated with Poly (methyl methacrylate) bysol-gel technique to improve the mechanical properties and also investigates the interaction by strong hydrogen bond in coated substrate.

Cite this Research Publication : K. Sivaselvi, Pijush Ghosh, Polymer thin film coating on Biomaterial, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 2, Part 1, 2018, Pages 3418-3424, ISSN 2214-7853,

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