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Validity assessment of self-reported smoking status to detection of urine cotinine levels among patients with tuberculosis undergoing tobacco cessation treatment

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Biomedicine. 42. 371-376. 10.51248/.v42i2.1412.

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2022

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : Purushothama, Jagannath & Badiger, Sanjeev & Siddappa, Nanjesh & D'Souza, Neevan & D'mello, Mackwin & Olickal, Jeby & Baikunje, Nandakishore. (2022). Validity assessment of self-reported smoking status to detection of urine cotinine levels among patients with tuberculosis undergoing tobacco cessation treatment. Biomedicine. 42. 371-376. 10.51248/.v42i2.1412.

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