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Amrita School of Physical Sciences, Kochi Organized Magazine Release Event and Vidyamritam Session

February 5, 2024 - 6:00
Amrita School of Physical Sciences, Kochi Organized Magazine Release Event and Vidyamritam Session

Mathspacia, Mathematics club of Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Physical Sciences, Kochi, published the themed magazine “Ancient Keral Math Odyssey” on February 5, 2024, to disseminate knowledge about the ancient mathematical journey of Keralites. Dr. Eswaran Nambudiri T C, Former HOD and Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Govt. Brennen College, Dharmadam unveiled the magazine handed over to him by Dr. U Krishnakumar (Dean & HoS – Schools of Arts, Humanities, & Commerce, Kochi). The magazine is the product of diligent work by our students. The program was initiated by seeking the blessing of God by lamp lighting accompanied by the institution prayer. Then Dr. U Krishnakumar welcomed the guest with his wise words. Dr. Sreekanth K. (HoD, Dept. of Mathematics, Amrita School of Physical Sciences, Kochi) and Kaarthikanjana S. Kumar of 2019 Int. M.Sc. Mathematics, the editor-in-chief of the magazine addressed the audience about the magazine.

Dr. Eswaran Nambudiri T. C., Former HOD and Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Govt. Brennen College, Dharmadam took initiative to address our students about the history of Kerala’s mathematical journey and the history of the development of infinite series. The lecture was concluded by the vote of thanks proposed by Akshay U. of 2021 Int. M.Sc. Mathematics.

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