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JANUARY | 16th – 19th


Beyond Boundaries: Gender, Tech and Transformative Change

Amritapuri Campus
Kerala, India



In collaboration with UNESCO, the School of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is hosting an International Conference on Gender and Technology, January 16th – 19th 2025, at Amritapuri campus, Kerala, India. 

IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) and IEEE Kerala Section are technical co-sponsors for the conference. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore and scopus indexing subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. 


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if you are interested to sponsor this conference

For more information and to receive conference updates, please provide your name and email address below

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Gender and Technology 2025 invites submissions for papers related to the intersection of gender with emerging technologies, e.g. Blockchain, AI, VR/mixed reality, IoT, and robotics, and how these have been enablers across the the following Thematic Areas:

Society, Culture, and Politics

Disaster and Environment

Livelihood and World of Work

Health and Sanitation

Safety and


During the Conference sessions, we will explore the below themes, which include but are not limited to:

  • Socio-cultural Change and Politics of Gender Equity  
  • Building Inclusive Resilience to Disaster and Climate Change  
  • Livelihood and World of Work: Blue, Green, and Care Economies  
  • Women’s Health and Sanitation: Community Medicine and Mental Health in the Digital Age  
  • Safety and Security: New Tech, AI, and Online Safety  
  • Systems Thinking Approaches to Sustainable Development and Gender Equality  
  • The importance of Gender & Diversity in STEM  
  • Inclusive Technology Design for Education & Social Good  
  • Ethics, Data Science, and Social Problem Solving  
  • Emerging Technologies: Opportunities and Vulnerabilities  


Gender, Society, and Representation in Emerging Technologies

Scope: Exploration of how emerging technologies like AI, VR, and IoT can influence gender representation and societal norms. Proposed topics include the portrayal of genders in media augmented by new tech, the role of social media in shaping gender identities, and the impact of technological advancements on political representation and policy-making.

Climate Change, Environment, and Gender

Scope: Addressing the intersection of gender and technology in tackling climate change. Suggested topics include how gendered perspectives can enhance environmental tech solutions, the role of women in climate tech innovation, and the impact of climate technologies on gender equity in communities.

Gender, Livelihood, and the Future of Work

Scope: Investigating the influence of technologies like AI, robotics, and blockchain on gender dynamics in the workplace. Focus areas can include gender disparities in tech jobs, the potential for inclusive work environments in the gig and care economies, and how automation might affect gender roles in various industries.

Women’s Health and Sanitation in the Digital Age

Scope: Examination of the role of digital health technologies, telemedicine, and AI in improving women’s health and sanitation. Discussions may include the impact of wearable tech on women’s health monitoring, digital platforms for mental health support, and innovations in community health tech.

Safety and Security: Gendered Perspectives on New Technologies

Scope: Evaluating the implications of advancements in information and cyber security, AI, and data analytics for gendered safety. Proposed topics include online harassment, the development of gender-sensitive security protocols, and the role of AI in predicting and preventing gender-based violence.

Gender, Education, and Cultural Shifts through Technology

Scope: Exploring how technologies like VR, AR, and IoT can foster gender equality in education and cultural settings. Topics may include gender inclusivity in STEM education, digital literacy programs for women, cultural impacts of tech-enabled learning environments, and initiatives for increasing female participation in tech careers.

Socio-cultural Change, Access to Technology, and Gender Equity Politics

Scope: Analyzing how emerging technologies influence socio-cultural change, access to technology, and the politics of gender equity. Discussions can cover policy frameworks for gender-sensitive tech governance, the role of social media in gender activism, digital divide issues, and the impact of digital culture on gender norms. Additionally, this topic will explore how technology can help identify our human-ness: unifying features across races, genders, and cultures, and strengthen it towards positive outcomes, while respectfully acknowledging and including diversity.

Building Inclusive Resilience to Disaster and Climate Change

Scope: Addressing the role of gender in developing tech solutions for disaster resilience and climate change adaptation. Proposed topics include gender-sensitive disaster management systems, the use of big data for climate resilience through a gender lens, and the participation of women in tech-driven environmental initiatives.

Inclusive Technology Design for Social Good

Scope: Exploring principles and practices of inclusive tech design aimed at promoting social good. Proposed topics cover the design of assistive technologies for women, gender-sensitive tech innovation in public services, and the role of participatory design in addressing gender issues.

Ethics, Data Science, and Social Problem Solving

Scope: Investigating the ethical implications of data science and AI in gender contexts. Discussions can include algorithmic bias, ethical AI development, data privacy concerns, and the use of data science to address gender-specific social challenges.

Emerging Technologies: Opportunities and Vulnerabilities

Scope: Evaluating the opportunities and vulnerabilities that emerging technologies present for gender equity. Proposed topics can include the benefits and risks of blockchain for women’s financial inclusion, the gendered impacts of 5G and 6G technologies, and the potential for VR and AR to create inclusive virtual spaces.

Gender and Finance: Technological Innovations for Financial Inclusion

Scope: Examining the impact of financial technologies (FinTech) on gender equity. Proposed topics include the role of blockchain and digital banking in promoting women’s financial inclusion, gender-sensitive investment strategies, and the use of data analytics to address gender disparities in financial services.

These topics aim to foster comprehensive discussions and innovative solutions at the intersection of gender and technology, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable technological future.

Submission Categories

Call for Reviewers

We are excited to announce the Call for Reviewers for the International Conference on Gender and Technology 2025!

We invite you to volunteer as a reviewer or to recommend qualified experts in your work to contribute to the review process. 

Each conference track has key expertise outlined on the online form to guide reviewer selection. Your expertise and insights are invaluable in ensuring the quality and relevance of submitted papers. 

Benefits of being a reviewer:

Fill out the form now at

Submission Guidelines:

Accepted papers presented by an original author or co-author will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and scopus indexing, subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Posters will be published as an addendum to the conference proceedings and will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore or for scopus indexing.

Join us at the 2025 Gender and Technology Conference to contribute to a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights shaping the future of technology through a gender lens. We look forward to your submissions and to welcoming you to Kerala, India, for the event.

For inquiries, please contact:

Our intergenerational and
interdisciplinary conference will include

Academic Papers

Poster Presentations

GenAI Hackathon for Gender Equality

Workshop on Systems Thinking Approaches to Gender Equality

Concluding Awards Ceremony for Best Conference Paper, Poster Presentations, Best Hackathon

Gala Dinner with Cultural Performances

We will bring together diverse participants such as academicians, global experts, policymakers, government representatives, civil society, industry, gender-financing institutions, senior and early researchers, and students to discuss, share ideas, and network around emerging paradigms, opportunities, and vulnerabilities in gender diversity, inclusion, and technology and

Key themes

Disaster and Environment

Safety and Security

Health and Sanitation

Livelihood and World of Work

Society, Culture, and Politics



Women in STEM

Technology Design for
Inclusive Education

Technology by Women for Women

Socio-cultural Change
and Politics of Gender Equity 

Building Inclusive Resilience
to Disaster and Climate Change 

Livelihood and World of Work:
Blue, Green, and Care Economies 

Women’s Health and Sanitation:
Community Medicine and
Mental Health in the Digital Age 

Safety and Security:
New Tech, AI, and Online Safety 

Systems Thinking Approaches
to Sustainable Development and Gender Equality 

The importance of
Gender & Diversity in STEM 

Inclusive Technology Design
for Education & Social Good 

Ethics, Data Science, and
Social Problem Solving 

Emerging Technologies:
Opportunities and Vulnerabilities 


  • August 30, 2024

    Paper Submission Deadline

  • October 15, 2024

    Paper Acceptance Notification

  • November 15, 2024

    Final Camera Ready Paper

  • December 15, 2024

    Early Bird Registration Deadline


This month-long event, from December 16, 2024, to January 19, 2025, challenges participants to create AI-driven solutions that empower women and underrepresented groups.  Kick off with virtual prototyping in December, and bring your ideas to life at the International Conference on Gender and Technology venue in January. This hackathon fosters collaborative problem-solving and welcomes diverse participants—from tech wizards to social scientists. Sponsors and awards to be announced soon!


Questions? Email us at


Guidelines or rules for authors who wish to participate in the Gender & Technology 2025 conference.


Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma)

Chancellor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham



Dr. P. Venkat Rangan

Vice Chancellor


Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh

Provost – Strategic Initiatives, International, Research & Innovation, AI + X | Dean, School for Sustainable Futures | Dean, International Programs | UNESCO Chair on Experiential Learning for Sustainable Innovation & Development | Director, Amrita Center for Wireless Networks & Application


Dr. Bhavani Rao R

Dean, School of Social & Behavioural Sciences, Director, Amrita Multi Modal Applications and Human Computer Interaction Las (AMMACHI Labs), Amritapuri | Director, Center for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, Amritapuri | UNESCO Chair on Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham


Inauguration (late afternoon to evening)
ThursdayJan 16th
Inauguration (late afternoon to evening)
First Full Day
FridayJan 17th
First Full Day
Second Full Day
SaturdayJan 18th
Second Full Day
Workshop, Awards u0026 Valedictory Session
SundayJan 19th
Workshop, Awards u0026 Valedictory Session


The Gender & Technology Conference is being held at: Amrita University, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus in Vallikavu, Kerala, India, situated in the serene village of Vallikavu besides the backwaters, Amritapuri campus is accessible by air, train, and bus. The two closest airports are in Cochin (140 km north of the campus) and in Trivandrum (110 km south of the campus). Directions can be found here.

Accommodations are also available for conference registrants at Amritapuri Ashram. The ashram is located across from Amritapuri campus within walking distance. Cost per person for accommodation is 300 Rs for Indian attendees and 600 Rs per night for international attendees.


Please get in touch with us at

if you are interested to sponsor this conference

Admissions Apply Now