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Course Detail

Course Name Thermal Engineering and Fluid Machinery
Course Code 15MEC305
Program B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Semester Five
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Vapour Power Systems: Pure substance, formation of steam, components of vapour power plant, ideal Rankine cycle, effect of boiler and condenser pressure, improving performance – super heat and reheat.

Gas Power Systems: Components of diesel power plant, Internal combustion engines – terminology, classification, air standard Otto cycle and Diesel cycle, indicated power, brake power, efficiencies, specific fuel consumption. Components of gas turbine power plant, modelling of gasturbine power plant, air standard Brayton cycle, generative gas turbines.

Unit 2

Fluid Machinery: Classification of fluid flow, properties of fluid, pressure variation in a fluid at rest, measurement of pressure, continuity, momentum and energy equations, applications of Bernoulli equation, Components of hydro power plant, centrifugal pumps – working principle, performance characteristics. Hydraulic turbines – classification, principles and operations of Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine.

Unit 3

Heat Transfer: Modes of heat transfer – conduction, convection and radiation. One dimensional steady state heat conduction through plane wall and cylinder, concept of insulation, critical thickness of insulation, heat transfer from extended surfaces, heat transfer with heat generation.

Text Books

  • Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Bruce R. Munson, David P. DeWitt, “Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
  • R. K. Bansal, “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications, 2015


  • Yunus A.Cengel and Michael A. Boles, “Thermodynamics – An engineering approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
  • Yunus A. Cengel and John M. Cimbala, “Fluid Mechanics – Fundamentals and applications”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
  • Yunus A. Cengel, “Heat Transfer – A Practical approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005
  • Incropera F. P and DeWitt D. P., “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, John Wiley & Sons, 1988

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