Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : SpringerLink
Source : In Information, Communication and Computing Technology: Third International Conference, ICICCT
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Engineering
Year : 2019
Abstract : For the designing of an unmanned robotic coconut climber/harvester, we need to model the coconut tree structure especially the tree trunk. The coconut tree trunk is non-deterministic in nature. The variation mainly results in the tree trunk, height, inclination, and treetop. The variation in size/diameter, height and inclination are not same in all coconut trees. In addition to the diameter variation and inclination treetop notches made for harvesting, attack of different organisms, and stem decay due to aging is included for the accuracy. The empirical method is adopted to get some idea about the variation in the coconut tree, in that precisely view the variation of 50 trees in the Kollam district of Kerala, India to reach some conclusion. In this empirical analysis, we tried to include coconut trees with some sort of in variation their structure to make the analysis more effective.
Cite this Research Publication : Sakthiprasad Kuttankulangara Manoharan and Megalingam, R.K., 2019. Coconut Tree Structure Analysis-Background Work for an Unmanned Coconut Harvesting Robot Design. In Information, Communication and Computing Technology: Third International Conference, ICICCT 2018, New Delhi, India, May 12, 2018, Revised Selected Papers 3 (pp. 207-222). Springer Singapore.