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Tension pericardial abscess in a patient with tuberculosis: a rare cause of cardiac tamponade

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Lancet

Source : Lancet 2021; 397: e15

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2021

Abstract : A 24-year-old man presented to our hospital with a 5-day history of rapidly progressive shortness of breath, chest pain, and dry cough. The patient had a history of lymph node tuberculosis and 2 months earlier had completed a 9-month course of antituberculosis medications.

Cite this Research Publication : Amit Ajit Deshpande, Vibhav Sharma, Raghav Bansal, Priya Jagia. "Tension pericardial abscess in a patient with tuberculosis: a rare cause of cardiac tamponade". Lancet 2021; 397: e15

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