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While everyday life is riddled with tempting and derailing distractions that offer cheap, easy, and immediate payoffs, it also presents itself with valuable options and opportunities that demand focus, hard work, and self-control with immense payoffs in the distant future guaranteeing a better life for the future-self. It is the highly developed frontal lobes that are responsible for strong skills referred to as Executive Function ~ the brain’s CEO ~ that steers attention, effort, and actions in the right direction while weighing options to ensure that our Future-Self is well protected and grateful to our current-self.

This symposium will present the current evidence from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and social sciences to help understand how a healthy prefrontal system enables individuals to readjust behaviors, reappraise emotional reactivity and rethink social connections to achieve our goals and produce favorable results that benefit others as well as the future-self. Participants will discover that while the brain’s CEO is responsible for impulse control, sustained focus, long-term planning, gratification postponement, and emotional regulation, it does not arrive on the scene as a highly skilled and ready-to go entity; rather, it requires training, coaching, and guidance to master self-management skills. Lastly, every individual (student, faculty, or leader) needs strong Executive Function to activate motivation, predict performance challenges, and handle setbacks to reach their highest potential using ideas and strategies discovered by the progress neuroscience has made in the last 30 years.

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:

Registration Details

Please choose from the three available payment options to reserve your seat for this unique symposium. 

In the event of a large number of participants, a waiting list may be established for individuals without a certificate.
If you are an Amrita student wishing to receive a certificate, take advantage of a special offer at 1000 Rp instead of 1500 Rp! To avail this offer, kindly enter your Enrollment Number so that our Administration can verify your identity

Participation only
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Participation with Certificate
(Amrita students and staff)
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Participation with Certificate
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Venue:  Amriteswari Hall, Amritapuri campus

Online mode possible. However, it is advisable to attend the symposium in person to get the most out of your interaction with Sucheta Kamath.

Day 1: Monday February 5, 2024
Time Programs
9:30am Introduction to the Brain’s CEO, it’s role in self-regulation/ Executive Function and components of Executive Function
10:45am Break ~ 15 min
11:00am Connecting Executive Function, emotional resilience, self-control to multi- faceted life and personal success
11:30am Interactive Learning Activity
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00pm Hot and Cool Executive Function and factors that Influence mental flexibility, Emotional Agility, and social self-regulation
2:15pm Break ~ 15 min
2:30pm Interactive Learning Activity
3:00pm Adjourn
Day 2: Tuesday February 6, 2024
Time Programs
9:30am The Future-Self: Neuroscience of future prospection (Part 1)
10:45am Break ~ 15 min
11:00am The Future-Self: Neuroscience of future prospection (Part 2)
11:30am Interactive Learning Activity
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00pm Becoming self-aware: Implications of strong CEO/Executive Function over a lifespan (individual, collective and community success)
2:15pm Break ~ 15 min
2:30am Interactive Learning Activity
3:00pm Adjourn
Day 3: Wednesday February 7, 2024
Time Programs
9:30am Becoming self-strategizer: Improving Executive Function for individual and collective success (Part 1)
10:45am Break ~ 15 min
11:00am Becoming self-strategizer: Improving Executive Function for individual and collective success (Part 2)
11:30am Interactive Learning Activity
Noon End
Admissions Apply Now