Module 1
Module 1: Introduction to Financial System (7.5 hours)
- Overview of the Indian financial system
- Objectives, Needs, and Interactions of components in the financial system
- Accessing financial data from popular sources
Course Name | Financial Markets and Institutions (FM&I) |
Course Code | 23FI631E |
Program | MBA |
Credits | 3 |
Course category | Elective |
Area | Finance - Capital Markets and Investment Banking |
Module 1: Introduction to Financial System (7.5 hours)
Module 2: Introduction to Financial Markets (7.5 hours)
Module 3: Introduction to theories of financial markets (7.5 hours)
Module 4: Introduction the o regulatory framework of financial markets & Institutions (7.5 hours)
Course Description
The course aims to help students to appreciate and understand how financial markets and
institutions operate. It introduces financial institutions and other market participants, their roles in the
financial system and the ways they interact with each other. The main objective of the course is to enable
the studentsto see financial marketsin right perspective so that it enablesthem to make informeddecisions
as both users as well as managers of financial markets. A second and equally important objective is to
help students to understand commonly used financial instruments and how they work.
Course Outcomes& Learning levels
Evaluation Pattern
# | Assessment Component | Percentage of Marks |
1 | Continuous Assessment * | 40 |
2 | Mid –Term Examination | 20 |
3 | End –Term Examination | 40 |
* Based on assignments / Tests / Quizzes / Case Studies / Project / Term paper / Field visit report
Text Book:
1. Mishkin, Frederic S.; Eakins, Stanley G., Jayakumar, Tulsi and Pattnaik, R. (2018). Financial
Markets and Institutions (Edition 8). Noida: Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.
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