Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Biostatisticsand Biometrics: Open Access Journal
Source : Biostatisticsand Biometrics: Open Access Journal, 6, 5, 1-8,2018, ISSN: 2573-2633, JuniperPublishers, USA.
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2018
Abstract : In this article, an estimation procedure to estimate the parameters of a two-parameter Weibull distribution has been discussed. The nature of the data is considered as imprecise and is in the form fuzzy numbers. Artificial Neural Network has been used in parameter estimation of Weibull distribution. The network architecture is determined experimentally based on RMSE. Other classical methods of parameter estimation such as method of moments, maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation are also discussed. Performances of each of these methods are compared using mean and standard deviation of the estimates based on the simulated data for a various range of parameter values.
Cite this Research Publication : Vishwakarma, G.K., Paul, C. and Singh, N., Parameters estimation of weibull distribution based on fuzzy data using neural network. Biostatisticsand Biometrics: Open Access Journal, 6, 5, 1-8,2018, ISSN: 2573-2633, JuniperPublishers, USA.