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Novel thermally insulated ultra-lightweight fireproof and high impact resistance advanced hybrid composite

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Wiley Online Library

Source : Journal of Polymer Engineering and Science, (2022),

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering

Department : Aerospace

Year : 2022

Abstract : This work investigates the development of ultra-lightweight, hybrid fireproof composite material. The composite panels are made of 2,5-polybenizimidazole (ABPBI) a thermally stable high-performance fiber and poly ether ketone (PEK) a high-performance film. The surface of ABPBI fiber and PEK film were treated by nitrogen plasma to increase the adhesion characteristics. The composite was fabricated through the stacking method. The hybrid composite was developed by sandwiching silicone rubber foam between surface-treated ABPBI/PEK composite. The entire sample was covered with surface-treated ABPBI fiber using silicone adhesive. The hybrid composite was tested in exposure to dry ice, fire and compression tests. After exposure to fire for 10 min, negligible loss of material was noticed. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis at the interface indicated strong interfacial adhesion between the PEK matrix and the ABPBI fiber. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) of ABPBI fiber and PEK film appear to be promising in terms of fire resistivity and hence the hybrid composite of PEK/ABPBI sandwiched by silicone foam results one of the best fireproof composite. This composite also shows significant improvement of impact and compressive strength. Analysis under Ansys Fluent software also shows similar results.

Cite this Research Publication : Jennifer Vinodhini, Sudheendra K, Shantanu Bhowmik, Srikrishnan A.R., Prakash D Trivedi, Jaimin C Zaveri and Amit Kundu, "Novel thermally insulated ultra‐lightweight fireproof and high impact resistance advanced hybrid composite," Journal of Polymer Engineering and Science, (2022),

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