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Computing Influential Nodes Using the Nearest Neighborhood Trust Value and PageRank in Complex Networks

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Entropy

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Campus : Amaravati

School : School of Computing

Year : 2022

Abstract : Computing influential nodes gets a lot of attention from many researchers for information spreading in complex networks. It has vast applications, such as viral marketing, social leader creation, rumor control, and opinion monitoring. The information-spreading ability of influential nodes is greater compared with other nodes in the network. Several researchers proposed centrality measures to compute the influential nodes in a complex network, such as degree, betweenness, closeness, semi-local centralities, and PageRank. These centrality methods are defined based on the local and/or global information of nodes in the network. However, due to their high time complexity, centrality measures based on the global information of nodes have become unsuitable for large-scale networks. Very few centrality measures exist that are based on the attributes between nodes and the structure of the network. We propose the nearest neighborhood trust PageRank (NTPR) based on the structural attributes of neighbors and nearest neighbors of nodes. We define the measure based on the degree ratio, the similarity between nodes, the trust values of neighbors, and the nearest neighbors. We computed the influential nodes in various real-world networks using the proposed centrality method. We found the maximum influence by using influential nodes with SIR and independent cascade methods. We also compare the maximum influence of our centrality measure with the existing basic centrality measures.

Cite this Research Publication : Hajarathaiah K, Enduri MK, Anamalamudi S, Subba Reddy T, Tokala S. Computing influential nodes using the nearest neighborhood trust value and pagerank in complex networks. Entropy. 2022 May 16;24(5):704.

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