Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Intech Publication
Source : Recent Developments on Power Inverters in Intech Publication. ISBN 9789535152644,Jun, 2017
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2017
Abstract : A new design of multilevel inverter configuration is proposed for reducing the component count and improving the quality of waveform in a photovoltaic system. The proposed configuration operates at the binary asymmetric condition for generating the large amount output voltage level with small amount harmonic distortion. Unipolar trapezoidal reference with triangular carriers is used for generating the desired switching pulses to generate the required output voltage level. The proposed configuration requires eight unipolar switches for generating the 31-level output voltage level with total harmonic distortion of 3.18% without using any filters. The value of %total harmonic distortion (THD) satisfies the IEEE 519 harmonic standard. Separate DC sources of proposed configuration are replaced by the array of photovoltaic panels for testing the configuration with the renewable energy source. The proposed configuration is tested with an experimental setup for proving the operation of it. Selected simulation and experimental results are shown for the verification of proposed configuration ability.
Cite this Research Publication : N. Prabaharan, S. Saravanan, A. Rini Ann Jerin and K. Palanisamy, “A reduced switch asymmetric multilevel inverter topology using unipolar pulse width modulation strategies for photovoltaic application” Recent Developments on Power Inverters in Intech Publication. ISBN 9789535152644,Jun, 2017.