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Design and Implementation of MIPI I3C master controller SubSystems

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, CONIT 2023

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2023

Abstract : For mobile, automotive, and Internet of Things devices, the exponentially growing number of sensors present new design difficulties. Both the overall pin count and the bandwidth needs have greatly grown because of these difficulties. The I3C interface, which uses a single 2-wire high-speed connection to connect all the system's sensors, was developed by the MIPI Alliance to address these issues. It complies with the MIPI I3C specification and backwards compatible with the I2C standard. The Master Controller is designed to enhance sensor communication capabilities easily and quickly with improved performance and power efficiency in any mobile SoC device. When compared to existing designs, it uses less energy and performs better. The hardware and software components of the Master Controller are separated. Hardware-based packet formation and message handling are handled by the I3C manager. It supports 32-bit APB slave mode to access the registers interface and external DMA and has an interconnect protocol. To lessen the stress on the host handling the I3C interface, a FIFO is optional. With optional secondary master support, it primarily serves as a master controller. Slave bus controller, common command codes controller, and frame generator make up the Slave Controller's three main modules. The slave device supporting high data rate / dual data rate implements the APB interface and provides a basic payload control mechanism FIFO for the read and write data. This project proposes the design and implementation of MIPI I3C Master Controller using Verilog HDL which will be simulated and implementation using Xilinx Vivado Spartan 7 FPGA.

Cite this Research Publication : Yadhu Krishnan S, Bhakthavatchalu, Ramesh "Design and Implementation of MIPI I3C master controller SubSystems', 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies, CONIT 2023

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