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Ozone therapy in Pediatric Dentistry; An alternate approach

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : ISPub pubmed

Source : ISPub pubmed, The Internet Journal of Dental Sciences ISSN: 1937-8238 (1st Author), Aug 2012 / Vol 10 / No 2S

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2012

Abstract : The use of ozone in dentistry is gaining its place in every day dental practice and is used in almost all dental applications. The undisputed disinfection power of ozone over other antiseptics makes the use of ozone in dentistry a very good alternative and/or an additional disinfectant to standard antiseptics. Minimally Invasive Dentistry is now the new Standard of Care in all disciplines of dentistry, most importantly in preventive and operative dentistry. So far, arresting and reversing the process of tooth caries without invasive treatment are unpredictable and rely very much on patient's compliance. Recent research and clinical studies on the use of ozone in treating early tooth caries without cavitations are very promising and are showing that it is now possible to arrest and reverse these lesions in a predictable and repeatable way without invasive intervention. These findings are establishing a paradigm shift, a revolution in dentistry.

Cite this Research Publication : Ozone therapy in Pediatric Dentistry; An alternate approach
ISPub pubmed, The Internet Journal of Dental Sciences ISSN: 1937-8238 (1st Author), Aug 2012 / Vol 10 / No 2S

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