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Intramural foreign body in oesophagus

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Int J Paediatr. Otorhinolaryngol

Source : Int J Paediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 Jun; 68(6):837-9

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Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2004

Abstract : Intramural foreign body in oesophagus is very rare and is mostly associated with complications leading to high morbidity and mortality. Recently we came across a coiled metallic wire discovered unexpectedly in a chest X-ray of a 6-month-old male baby. This was further investigated and was found to be located intramurally in the oesophagus. It was successfully removed with rigid oesophagoscopy performed under telescopic guidance. No such foreign body has been reported in an infant so far in English literature.

Cite this Research Publication : Mathur NN, Kumar S, Bothra R. Intramural foreign body in oesophagus. . Int J Paediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 Jun; 68(6):837-9

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