Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Nepal Med Coll J.
Source : Nepal Med Coll J. 2010 Mar;12(1):53-4
Url :
Campus : Faridabad
Abstract : Foreign body ingestion is not an uncommon problem in children. They can ingest various foreign objects and one of such objects is a safety pin. The ingestion of such foreign body is not widely reported in the literature. This case highlights the risk of accidental ingestion of safety pin used on child's clothing to protect him from cold that can result in lethal complications. In a poor developing country like Nepal, this case serves to address all mothers alerting them of their ignorance while using safety pin in infants. In addition, physicians are reminded to obtain a detailed inquiry of suspected foreign body ingestion in every child with the history of dysphagia.
Cite this Research Publication : Thapa Chettri S, Bhattarai M, Karki S, Regmi S, Mathur NN. "Safety pin"--a question to its safety!Nepal Med Coll J. 2010 Mar;12(1):53-4