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Medical Emergency alert scheme through wireless sensor network and cloud computing at populated places

Publication Type : Patents

Source : Application ID 202041009022, Publication Number: 10/2020, 2020.

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Computing

Year : 2020

Abstract : Time to care the family members is a costlier thing in human life. To think of attention seeking persons like critical care in-patients who need 24*7 assistance for an undefined time. The need for regular health monitoring and notifying any anomaly is the requisite of any health service provider. Such patients can be monitored through wireless sensors installed in the spatial area to track vital body parameters like temperature, pressure, heart beat count and other parameters. The public places we assist include various unhygienic factors causing dangerous diseases if unnoticed. They are at-times communicable too. The inbuilt indicator in human body is the body temperature and heart beat variation including other vital signs. To identify any such personthe public places can include infection detective mechanism connected with public hospital to provide better care. The visitors requested to come across the panel of sensors to detect the body temperature and any specific viral infection. The health sensors available in market are carefully chosen to implement this mechanism. The sensors installed at various common places could identify the notified infection and report to the public hospital which can initiate the treatment process within few minutes of identification. The same can be extended as medical emergency alert system in public places to notify any kind of medical assistance.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Umamaheswararao batta, Dr. Kamalraj R., Dr. V. Saravana Kumar, S. Neelakandan, R. Annamalai, Sonia Jenifer Rayen, "Medical Emergency alert scheme through wireless sensor network and cloud computing at populated places," Application ID 202041009022, Publication Number: 10/2020, 2020.

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