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Pulmonary Artery-Pulmonary Vein Fistula: Contrast Echocardiography using Agitated Saline for Indirect Evaluation of Adequacy of Surgical Repair

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : J Perioper Echocardiogr

Source : J Perioper Echocardiogr 2014;2(2):61-64

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2014

Abstract : Direct right pulmonary artery-left atrial communications are rare causes of congenital cyanotic heart disease. Bypassing of the pulmonary circulation and the filtering function of the lung predisposes these patients to high risk of stroke or cerebral embolism. Contrast echocardiography using transesophageal echocardiography helps in detection and/or confirmation of diagnosis of these extracardiac shunts as two-dimensional echocardiography of the heart is essentially normal in such patients. Additionally, it can help in the assessment of adequacy of surgical repair in the postoperative period.

Cite this Research Publication : Narula J, Choudhury M, Chowdhary UK, Kiran U. Pulmonary Artery-Pulmonary Vein Fistula: Contrast Echocardiography using Agitated Saline for Indirect Evaluation of Adequacy of Surgical Repair. J Perioper Echocardiogr 2014;2(2):61-64

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