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CNLP-NITS-PP at WANLP 2022 Shared Task: Propaganda Detection in Arabic using Data Augmentation and AraBERT Pre-trained Model

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop

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Campus : Amaravati

School : School of Computing

Year : 2022

Abstract : In today’s time, online users are regularly exposed to media posts that are propagandistic. Several strategies have been developed to promote safer media consumption in Arabic to combat this. However, there is a limited available multilabel annotated social media dataset. In this work, we have used a pretrained AraBERT twitter-base model on an expanded train data via data augmentation. Our team CNLP-NITS-PP, has achieved the third rank in subtask 1 at WANLP-2022, for propaganda detection in Arabic (shared task) in terms of micro-F1 score of 0.602.

Cite this Research Publication : Sahinur Rahman Laskar, Rahul Singh, Abdullah Faiz Ur Rahman Khilji, Riyanka Manna, Partha Pakray, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay. CNLP-NITS-PP at WANLP 2022 Shared Task: Propaganda Detection in Arabic using Data Augmentation and AraBERT Pre-trained Model. In Proceedings of the The Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP) (pp. 541-544).

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