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Reaching Down the Story of Flesh and Blood inside Hannibal Series: The Art of Serial Killing

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Source : Annals of R.S.C.B

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Year : 2021

Abstract : Crime is one of the crucial problems faced by people encircling the globe to the present day. No person is safe today. Thousands of crimes are committed each day, and likely hundreds are taking place right now into the world. Increasing crime rates has caused alarm to the public; a social evil which devastates the peace and happiness, by sowing the seeds of violence. Crime and psychology both are interlinked, which deals with various aspects of crime. Here, Criminal psychology aids to comprehend or examine the behaviour, views, thoughts, actions and intentions of all the criminals, investigating why people commit crimes. Being able to determine the amount of felony allows the conception and tracking of crime trends. The aim of this paper is to find out the mechanics and workings shaped inside a criminal’s mind before executing a crime, the complex issues and circumstances which led them to it in the first place, and thus control the rising wave of crimes like so stop it happening around the society.

Cite this Research Publication : Shilpa S, Shyma Sayyid, Shilpa Nair S, " Reaching Down the Story of Flesh and Blood inside Hannibal Series: The Art of Serial Killing", Annals of R.S.C.B, May 2021.

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