Module 1 – Wastes: Introduction and characterization of wastes, definition of waste, types of waste, characteristics of waste, waste disposal methods.
Module 2 – Energy Production from Wastes – I: Energy production through incineration, gasification, pyrolysis and syngas utilization. Incineration: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Gasification: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Pyrolysis: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Syngas utilization: principle, advantages, and disadvantages.
Module 3 – Energy Production from Wastes – II: Energy production through anaerobic digestion, fermentation, transesterification and introduction to microbial fuel cells. Anaerobic digestion: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Fermentation: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Transesterification: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Introduction to microbial fuel cells: principle, advantages, and disadvantages.
Module 4 – Energy Production from Algae: Cultivation of algal biomass from wastewater and energy production from algae. Algae cultivation: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Energy production from algae: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Applications of algae in waste management.
Module 5 – Energy Production from Solid Wastes: Densification of solids, efficiency improvement of power plant and energy production from waste plastics. Densification of solids: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Efficiency improvement of power plants: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Energy production from waste plastics: principle, advantages, and disadvantages; Applications of waste plastics in energy generation.